Using Filters in Exploration
This workflow will explain the different filters which exist. These filters also apply on the workspace and the exploration view.
1. Access the filters
Filters can be accessed through the filter icon on the layer panel.
2. The filters explained
There are numerous fields which a user can build a filter.
Search - This works on the file name. If you have renamed a file you can search for it here. Alternatively, you can also filter for spcific text within the file name.
Acquisition date - If your data has an acquisition date you can search for it using the acquisition date range.
Source data type - this searches against the source data type, such as raster, or even more specific such as SAR
Categories - If you know an AI model has run on your data, you can search for you data using the specific category of the prediction. For example, if I run an aircraft model which has detected an A380, you can select A380 from this list and only files containing A380 will be displayed.
Resolution - With this you can select a specific spatial resolution range you want to filter. It is a step filter, giving specific steps on this range.
3. Viewport vs AOI
The next filter set is regarding the area of interest. By default, the filter is set to viewport only.
Viewport - This will use the geographic bounds which are currently in view on the screen as a filter. Note - if any part of the horizon of the globe is showing, or the view angle is tilted, the system may register this as a global viewport and all data will show.
AOI - The next few filters are regarding an area of interest. It allows for a bounding box, or a polygon. We also allow for a point search. Any files which intersect with the point will be shown in the list.
The last option allows a user to turn off filtering by geospatial bounds, at which point all data will show regardless of zoom level (unless other filters are applied).
4. Properties Filter
As a more advanced filter, it is possible to configure a filter by specific properties. It is vital that the user knows the properties of the file that the user is searching for.
5. Source Data Type
Will open a window from where you can choose the Source Data Type you can filter on.
6. It will open a list.
7. You can filter for example on "Raster".
8. Filter on Acquisition Date
Select Start and End Acquisition Date.